If you represent any foreign suppliers - either as an agent or distributor, and would like to promote your portfolio on the blog, please send through all of your contact details with manufacturers names for inclusion in this section.
Porro www.porro.com
Amat-3 www.amat-3.com
Artifort www.artifort.com
Cascando www.cascando.nl
Chat-Board www.chat-board.dk
Concepta www.concepta.es
Frost www.frostdesign.dk
Lande www.lande.nl
Nomon www.nomon.es
Nonuform www.nonuform.se
Qubing www.qubing.de
Thonet www.thonet.co.uk
Viccarbe www.viccarbe.com
De Padova www.depadova.it
De Sede www.desede.ch
Engelbrechts www.engelbrechts.dk
Feld www.feld.be
KFF www.kff.de
Offecct www.offecct.se
Maro www.maro.com.pl
MDD www.mdd.com.pl
Iker www.iker.com.pl
Arrmet www.areadeclic.com
Catellani & Smith www.catellanismith.com
Metalarte www.metalarte.com
Pallucco www.pallucco.com
TossB www.tossb.com
Zanotta Contracts www.zanotta.it
RVW www.rvw.se
Zeitraum www.zeitraum-moebel.de
Emmemobili www.emmemobili.it
Gervasoni1882 www.gervasoni1882.com
Nemo Cassina www.nemo.cassina.it
Rexite www.rexite.it
Tacchini Forniture Italia www.tacchini.it